Maura Bruno – Emotional expressionism, energy of colors

Maura Bruno – Espressionismo emozionale, energia dei colori

As in any language, the least simple thing is to find the right communication to convey a message, but the Artist we are going to meet simplifies this path a lot, allowing us to be part of his perceptions and thus making us open up a vision in which we makes participants of his knowledge, beyond the appearances of “phenomenal vitality” decoded with the language of art.

As Pablo Picasso would sayThe artist is a receptacle of emotions that come from everywhere: from the sky, from the earth, from a piece of paper, from a form of passage, from a spider’s web


Who is Maura Bruno?

“Maura is a woman who has dedicated her life to others. First as an osteopath and naturopath, now as a painter, in its simplicity it contains the strength and resistance of flowers”.

When and how did your artistic journey begin?

“The passion for art was born as a child and exploded 4 years ago, in a particularly delicate moment in my life.

I have always loved art, colors and what they can represent and give to those who observe them.

Already in elementary school I distinguished myself for my artistic qualities, so much so that the teachers encouraged me to undertake a study path linked to art, a path that changed my life forever”.

How is your work born?

“My works are born from the transformation of emotions into color and from color into art”.

What is inspiration for you?

“Inspiration for me comes from what I observe, especially nature and people.

My paintings mainly depict flowers: in reality they are floral spots that can take on different shapes and meanings based on the experience or mood of the person who observes them.

Often you can see faces, animals and other elements of all kinds. In other words, the observer is left free to interpret the work”.

For you, what should a work of art express?

“More than expressing a precise concept, a work of art must stimulate the imagination and bring out emotions in anyone who observes it. It must convey pleasure and well-being and empathize in every respect with the observer”.

Which artistic and cultural references have influenced you the most over time?

“I have always appreciated the impressionist current and in particular the artists Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh”.

Your relationship with colours, what are your favourites?

“The relationship with colors is for me a great empathy. It’s a study, a continuous vibration that I have with them. My favorite colors are blue, green and yellow.

Blue because it represents general well-being and authority, green because it represents true love, universal love and balance. Especially the feminine balance. And, finally, yellow because it represents the sun, introspection, but also a little frivolity that never hurts in life”.

Artists, gallery owners, institutions. What do you think of the contemporary art system in general and specifically in Italy and in the Principality of Monaco?

“I think that lately art is not being appreciated enough, especially in Italy, probably because it is not valued as it should or managed correctly.

On the contrary, in the Principality of Monaco I think the situation is better, there is a stronger interest in art and a greater evolution.

I love all artists because each of them expresses something both real and unreal“.

How important is the pictorial medium to you? Does it still make “sense” to paint in 2022?

“For me the pictorial medium is essential to express myself and everything around me.

Painting will always be important, especially nowadays.

In recent years the pandemic and the war have allowed us to appreciate more and more the strength and importance of life and colours, the main protagonists of my art.

Colors in this context can be the “cure”, because they are life, they are light, they are vibrations. I highly recommend getting not only adults to color and paint, but also children. Art and painting improve mental state and self-esteem, encourage creative and emotional thinking, having beneficial effects on both the psyche and the body, promoting well-being in every context.

In fact, as demonstrated by various studies, art therapy is a powerful ally to help adults and children to counteract disabilities and physical, emotional and physiological problems”.

The painting that you absolutely love?

“Without a doubt the “Starry Night” (1889) by Vincent Van Gogh. The first time I saw it I was enraptured, it was as if in that instant I really found myself under a clear sky full of stars”.

But you not only express the artistic vein in your paintings but you also make it wearable with some clothing accessories, can you tell us about it?

“Certain! I love flowers and they are the most beautiful and lightest thing I would wear, hence the idea of ​​making my art wearable. For now I have created a line of Pashminas to wear to have that extra touch on every occasion.

I think that dressing in the right colors can help people feel good about themselves and, at the same time, feel and look better“.


Future projects?

“Yes many, but for the moment I can’t reveal anything to you yet! But there will be big surprises…”

So what to say, thanking Maura for her kindness and availability for this interview, I can’t help but invite all those who read us to follow this great artist on Instagram @maurabrunoartist so you don’t miss any updates.

Maurice Bartolini

Site Manager

We thank the P.R. Manager Carmen D’Elena for her kind collaboration and professionalism


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Original Article”Maura Bruno – Emotional expressionism, energy of colors” published by RadioTRUMANTV